ZOB Munich – Munich central bus station

The ZOB (central bus station) in Munich is a transport hub from southern Germany to all of Europe.

Official, complete and current ZOB Munich timetable

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ZOB München | Arnulfstraße 21 | 80335 München
fax: +49 89 45 20 98 92 | zob(at)brk-muenchen(dot)de
We currently do not offer telephone information.

Parking at the ZOB Munich

Kiss & Ride

There are 68 paid parking spaces available in the “Kiss & Ride” zone for short-term parkers and visitors. They are in the immediate vicinity of bus terminals 1 to 17. Access and exit is via Arnulfstraße 17 and Bernhard-Wicki-Straße 11. Some of these parking spaces are also covered.

Underground parking

There are 102 parking spaces available in the underground car park. These can be used by office tenants (long-term tenants) and their business customers as well as by visitors to the central bus station and customers in the shopping arcade. Parking customers can reach the underground car park via Bernhard-Wicki-Straße 11 and Arnulfstraße 17. Elevators and stairs lead to level 0 (bus terminal), the shopping arcade above and the office floors.

Taxi stand

There is also taxi stand in the “Kiss & Ride” zone.

Parking fees

Passenger vehicles
Passenger vehicles can park for free for the first hour if purchases are made for at least 10 euros in the participating ZOB stores (Lidl and US Nails). 

Parking a car costs 3 euros/hour and is billed every 30 minutes (1.50 euros). 24 hours maximum 21 euros. Night, Sunday and public holiday tariff 1.50 euros/hour up to 6 euros max.

The monthly flat rate for long-term car parking is 166.60 euros (including 19% VAT) on account. Please send inquiries to zob(at)brk-muenchen(dot)de.

15 minutes 10 euros | 30 minutes 20 euros | 60 minutes 30 euros
every additional hour 10 euros, daily rate (up to 24 hours) 90 euros, loss of ticket 150 euros

Bus parking

Buses can park in the parking lot at Hansastraße 51-55. Outside the Oktoberfest period, the daily parking fee for buses is 30 euros and cars are 5 euros. You can get tickets at the parking ticket machine.

The monthly flat rate for a parking space on Hansastraße is 178.50 euros (including 19% VAT) on account. Please send inquiries to zob(at)brk-muenchen(dot)de.

Interesting facts about the ZOB Munich

The central bus station in Munich was opened in 2009. The operators are the Red Cross companies. The surpluses generated benefit the Munich Red Cross's diverse tasks in the city and district of Munich. This turns the transport hub into a bus station for social purposes.

Shopping, eating and drinking

There are numerous shops, restaurants and snack bars in the shopping arcade at the central bus station.

Waiting room

In the terminal area between bus platforms 18 and 20, travelers can stay in the heated or air-conditioned waiting room with passenger information.


Travelers can purchase tickets from the respective long-distance bus providers or directly on site at the ticket counters in the ZOB Munich.


Baggage can be stored in lockers for 72 hours.

Fees (price for 12 hours)

Small compartment (855mm x 351mm x 457mm): 3 euros
Middle compartment (855mm x 351mm x 620mm): 4 euros
Large compartment (855mm x 351mm x 945mm): 6 euros

Terms and conditions for the use of the lockers

Toilet facilities

The toilet facilities are located at bus platform 17 and are available 24 hours a day. The usage fee is 1 euro.

Terms of use and information on passenger rights

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